Friday, June 1, 2007

Day Five

Day Five
Yaejin Park



KARL, a sixteen year-old boy preparing for SAT subjects test, is looking out the window. The alarm clock rings and his day starts.

A pair of bare feet is shown rushing up the stairs, leading the owner of the feet, Mother, to Karl’s room. She knocks on the door hard.

Karl, wake up!
(knocks the door three times more)
It’s seven o’ clock already!

I am awake. I will be down stairs in a bit.
(hears his mother going down stairs)


Karl goes downstairs for breakfast.

Now, listen. I will be home late again tonight, so you should study hard, and I want to…

Karl pretends to listen and plays around with his breakfast.

…see you working even after I come back from work. Got it?
(stands up)
Got it.

Karl grabs his bag and rushes outside.


Karl stares around, and he sees…


A) A middle-aged woman walking her dog

B) Children waving good-bye to their mothers

C) Houses

D) ** The house in front of Karl’s

Karl frowns a little and stares at the house. A hand shows up slowly behind Karl’s shoulder and grabs on Karl’s shoulder.

(turns around and sees CHRISTOPHER)
Christopher! What did you do that for?!

(grins and then leans on a tree)

Karl gives a sarcastic sigh and rolls his eyes at the same time. They wait for the bus in silence.


Christopher and Karl walk in to the school building and meet ANNIE, their friend, waiting for them in front of the locker.

You guys are always late.

Class didn’t start yet, in case you haven’t noticed.
(opening his locker)

Anyways…how are your SAT studies going? I studied like mad over the weekends. I think this part of…

(ANNIE’S voice dims out, and KARL is thinking)
It has been three years since then already…


KARL’S brother is arguing with MOTHER in a loud voice.

(slightly unstable on his feet; has a bottle of alcohol in one hand)
This is my life! I am just a helpless loser that has ruined his future! Just let me deal with it and it will end someday!

I knew that you would fall this way. I knew it when you started to fail in school! And don’t you dare talk to me that way, young man!
(stands with arms crossed)

Oh, now I don’t have the freedom to talk as I usually did, do I?
(takes a swig from the bottle)
Then I will just leave! I will leave and find some place where nobody cares about how I talk!
(turns back violently and walks out to the street. Very unstable)
(mutters) Some mother I have…

A truck is coming and KEVIN does not notice. KARL runs toward KEVIN.


A loud THUNK and the sound of wheels screeching is heard. KARL shuts his eyes tight and turns his face away.

(runs toBROTHER’S body and then falls on knees. Holds BROTHER’S body)
Kevin? Kevin? (shakes the body a little and then starts to cry silently)


In KARL’S flashback, KARL’S own voice fades away and he, instead, hears ANNIE calling his name.

(waves her hand in front of KARL’S face)
Karl? Hello? Knock-knock. Your soul still in there?

(suddenly returns from his flashback)
Hmm? What?

(sighs and looks at her watch)
Gosh, we’ve only got one minute ‘till the bell rings!

All three students start to run.


The students, including KARL, are waiting for the teacher

I wonder how I did on the test I took last week.

(sighs deeply)
I don’t want to know. I will burn it as soon as I get it.
(laughs sarcastically)

(looks out the door)
Hey, hey! He’s coming!

The teacher struts in with a large stack of paper in his hands

Well, good morning, class. Before we start on any lessons today, I just want to say that I am totally disgusted by your scores. We only have two A’s, and the rest are crawling on the floor.
(passes out the packet)

As paper is passed out to each student, they moan, groan, and mumble. Two students crumple the paper and put it in their bags.

KARL sees his score on the paper and gives a relieved sigh

Now then,
(turning around and holding up a board marker)
today we will learn about…

Camera shows KARL and then fades away.


SHARON, a young, new woman police officer, is sitting with her head down

Another police comes to wake her up.

(taps SHARON’S shoulder gently)

(staying in the same position)
I am not sleeping.

Yeah…I thought you weren’t. So…
(pulls up a chair beside SHARON and plops down on it)
What are you going to do about Moore?

He’s only a robber. I don’t care what happens to him now. My job was done right after he was thrown into that cell.
(Raising her head and then standing up sluggishly)
If you’ll excuse me…

SHARON goes into one of the stalls in the restroom, and the view is moved to KARL’S front yard as the stall’s door is slammed shut.

KARL, with backpack slung to one side, rushes into home.

KARL goes upstairs to his room and throws his bag near his desk. He drags himself near his desk and takes out his books for studying.

The view of KARL studying during day is faded away and is placed with KARL getting ready for sleep way past midnight.


Everything looks green (as if looking through glasses that lets one see in green light)

What the…?

KARL sees a pair of black gloved hands moving. He is in the hand’s owner’s view.

CHRISTOPHER is snoring on his bed.

The hands approach CHRISTOPHER…

(waking up with a snort and looks around)
(sees the hand’s owner and backs up against a wall)

One of the gloved hands reaches somewhere and brings up a knife. The knife reflects the moonlight and is shiny

What the… Hey! Chris! Run!

CHRISTOPHER remains in the same position and the black gloved hands approach closer in slow speed

Shoot! Can’t you hear me? Oh God, Chris! No!!

The view is turned to CHRISTOPHER’S shadow on a wall. The black gloved person stabs the knife into CHRISTOPHER’S chest.


Screaming, Karl awakes. He looks all around his room, looks at his hands, and then gives a sigh of relief.


A crowd of police and people in the neighborhood are gathered around CHRISTOPHER’S body (covered in white sheet except for his head), including Sharon.

(slowly rowing his head sideways)
I didn’t expect any crime like this in our city.

(looking down sourly at the body)
Who is this? Looks like a normal highschool boy…

POLICE 2 puts yellow tape that says “Crime Scene” on the entrance of the front yard.

KARL opens the door of his house and sees the crowd. He approaches them carefully, trying to look what is in the circle.

Few people from the neighborhood leave and the camera is focused on CHRISTOPHER’S body.

KARL sees CHRISTOPHER’S face and is appalled.


As KARL walks unstably into the hallway, he sees…


A) Students in groups whispering

B) One girl crying and her friends trying to calm her down

C) One teacher praying in the corner with tear-stained face

D) Annie staring at him with swollen eyes

KARL’S breathing becomes faster and he runs to the restroom.

KARL goes into one of the restroom stalls and slams the door behind him. He sinks down on the corner and starts to sob.

The scene fades out and camera shows a light stand and the alarm clock in KARL’S room.

Camera shows KARL sleeping on his bed with a pillow stained with his tears.


KARL is in the black-gloved person’s view. He sees ANNIE concentrating on her studies.

Annie? No…no…! Please…run away!

The hands approach ANNIE from her back with a rope. ANNIE turns around and sees the owner of the black gloves.

The camera view is moved to the window of ANNIE’S room, and ANNIE’S scream is heard.

Sudden view change to the front yard of the empty house


The police, including SHARON, and the neighbors are gathered around the gate. ANNIE’S body is covered all over with a white sheet.

(frowning and arms crossed)
Two murders in two days… I bet it’s the same person, and it is very possible that someone here might have done it.

SHARON silently watches the body. She turns her view to KARL’S house

Camera focus on KARL’S home and others made blurry.


KARL is crouched in the corner of his room with his face buried in his hands. He hears the doorbell ring. He goes downstairs swaying side to side.

POLICE 3 knocks on the door again gently.

KARL opens the door and just stares at POLICE 3

Good morning, sir. As you see…
(pointing out to the crime scene)
…there was a murder around here, and if you don’t mind, I would like to ask you a few questions.
(takes out a notepad and a pen)
Where were you and what were you doing at 4:00 AM?

KARL stares at the ground.

(checks KARL’S face worriedly)

I was…sleeping.
(looks up with tearful eyes)
I am sorry. I cannot answer any questions right now. Have a nice day.
(shuts the door)

POLICE 3 shrugs and sighs. He walks back to the crime scene and starts to talk with SHARON.

(glancing at KARL’S home)
So what did the boy say?
(turns her view back to POLICE 3)

(grinning slightly)
You were watching, eh? Well…he didn’t say anything. He just said that he can’t answer anything right now. He seemed like he was about to burst into tears… (trails away and is heard in small sound)

SHARON starts to glare at KARL’S house again.


KARL is in his seat, palms flat on the table and his head tilted sideways. Two students talk about the murder.

(spinning a pen in his hand)
Hey, did you hear? There was a second murder while we were sleeping.

(writing on her paper)
Yeah…my parents are thinking about moving to New York. They are scared that they might find me in bed, murdered.

(slamming his fist on his desk)
This should stop, you know. Hey, look around. No one’s joking around in school anymore. I hate this atmosphere! Why should we be tense just because of a mad criminal?

(glancing at the glass on the door)
Hey, back to your seats. He’s coming.

TEACHER comes in quietly and walks in big, slow steps to the front of the class.

As you already know, Annie has been murdered last night.

One of the students dissolves into tears

(hits his hands hard on his desk and stands up. Chair is knocked down. Yells)
Why do we have to start class this way? We are already exhausted because of all the grieving we have done.
(lets his face drop and starts to sob)
I hate this place… I hate this world…

The sound fades away and KARL is sitting in the same position. Tears roll down his cheeks.


KARL picks up a photo of him, CHRISTOPHER, and ANNIE together.

(smiling tearfully)
You guys really went…there is no more Annie or Christopher beside me. No more Annie or Christopher beside me to talk or laugh.

KARL puts the picture down next to his stack of books. He lies in the bed and starts to fall asleep.

KARL is again in the view of the black gloved person. STUDENT 1 sleeps.


As the hands approaches STUDENT 1’S neck, KARL looks away and he is awake.


KARL opens the door and sees the crowd of police and SHARON. He looks away and walks to where the bus stops. SHARON calls KARL

(scans KARL from head to feet)
Are you this student’s friend?

(without looking)
No, and I think this is none of your business.

(lips curl)
Unfortunately, it is. You, kiddo, will have to cooperate with the police…or you wouldn’t be too happy, and neither would we.

The bus arrives.

(puts a foot in the bus)
Well, thank you for your advice. Hope I don’t have to help because I can’t!
(stomps into the bus)

Well, we’ll see about that.


TEACHER is carrying on with the lesson. KARL falls asleep during class

…and so, the general conquered the country in 1893…
(turns around and notices KARL sleeping)

KARL does not move. The TEACHER taps on KARL’S head.

KARL wakes up

(pulling his head up)

TEACHER shakes his head and frowns.

(looks at everyone)
Look…I know we have had tragedies here recently…
(glances at STUDENT 6)
…and I know that we have the big test tomorrow. It is my job, a teacher’s job, to help you guys get the highest point possible.
(turns around and wipes his eyes )
Let’s not make it hard for anyone, okay?

The bell rings and students pack their bags.


KARL is studying and pokes his thigh with a pencil to stay awake.

The scene fades away and KARL is seen sleeping with his head down on his desk.


KARL has his vision in STUDENT 6’S home. One of the hands is holding an iron pipe. STUDENT 6 is cramming for the exam.

The hands approach STUDENT 6

(turning around suddenly)
How…did you get here?
(stands up)
So…it…it was you the whole time.

The hand holding the iron pipe thrashes down on STUDENT 6

STUDENT 6 blocks with this hands by grasping the black gloved-hand.

The other black gloved hand beats on STUDENT 6, and he is hit with the iron pipe.

The sound of the hitting with pipe is connected to the sound of MOTHER knocking on the door.


KARL opens his eyes from the sound of door knocking

(constantly knocking)
Wake up! Today is the test day!
(goes back downstairs)

KARL puts his clothes on. Camera closes up on the wound on his arm. KARL goes outside.


SHARON, police, and the neighborhood is crowded again.

I am very suspicious of that boy.

(taking notes on his notepad)
You mean the one living in front of this house?

Then who else? He is the only one I didn’t find out anything about yet.

KARL runs along and SHARON notices his wound.

(eyes following KARL as he runs)
Was there, by any chance, a fight recently?

A fight? No. Strangely after this mad guy started killing people, there wasn’t much fight. Why?

(staring down at the body)
…Nothing. Can I see the victim’s hands?

(looking at SHARON and then the body)
(lifts a part of the white sheet up)

SHARON sees that STUDENT 6’S fingernails are brown.

She stares at KARL’S front yard.

(wrinkles her forehead)
Hey, give me your glasses for a sec.
(snatches POLICE 1’S glasses from his hands)
(tosses back the glasses to POLICE 1)
Get me the brown parts of the fingernails. I think I know who did this.

(squats down)
Are you sure?



KARL takes a seat and the TEACHER starts to explain the instructions

(scribbles the date and other information)
Please be sure that you have filled in the bubbles completely…

The sound trails away

KARL closes his eyes and does a very quick review by muttering.

Test packets are passed out and KARL flips through it.

(gapes at the test booklet)
I’ve never been taught this…never…
(flips through more pages)

The scene fades out.


KARL walks down the sidewalk to home, dazed. He sees.


A) Children going back home

B) Cars moving

C) Adults returning home

He arrives at the porch of his house.

As soon as Karl arrives home, he collapses on to his bed and sleeps until past midnight.


The sound of his mother talking is heard with SHARON.

…that is just outrageous!

Outrageous or not, this is the truth.

KARL sits up on his bed and rubs his eyes. He goes downstairs and sees SHARON, POLICE 1 and POLICE 3.

(takes a handcuff)
You are arrested for being held responsible for the murder of the four students.

(takes a step back)
Wha…What do you mean I am held responsible?

(puts handcuffs on KARL’S wrists)
Just like I said, you are the criminal.
Take ‘im away.

KARL is dragged to the police car and is driven to the police station.


(pushed down to a seat by two police)
You have no proof! You can’t do this!

(tosses a black glove and papers filled with charts)
Do you still deny?

What do these things have to do?
(squirms around)

This glove…
(picking up the black glove)
…was found in your front yard. I’ve tested it…
(tosses one of the papers)
And there was dried blood on it, some of them four days old, and some of them from today afternoon. Oh, and most importantly…
(holding up another paper)
…the last victim had your blood on his fingernails. Noticed that wound of yours by any chance?

Camera close up on KARL’S wounds.

(gapes at the wound and then looks SHARON)
I didn’t do this! I swear!

You’ll be put in the cell here for tonight.
(motions to POLICE 1 and 4)
Put him in.


KARL sits in the corner of the cell and looks around nervously.

Murder? Me? Is it a murder to dream about committing murder unwanted?
(laughs and breathes in at the same time)
This isn’t real. It can’t be.

KARL then notices the guarding police dozing.

Camera shows KARL’s shadows.

KARL bites his wrist and blood flows out.

Camera turns back on KARL. He is smiling faintly


SHARON comes back to the station and finds the guard dozing

(hits police on his head)
Why on earth are you dozing, you idiot?

(leaps on his feet and wipes his drool)

Shut up.
(glances at KARL)
What the…?

(turns around)
What…I…? No…

SHARON picks up the phone and calls for an ambulance.

KARL is moved to the surgery room in the hospital.


KARL is breathing and there is a heart beat monitor next to him. Doctors are working in haste.

(grabbing a packet of blood)
Check the heartbeat.

It’s becoming slower. Hurry!

KARL opens his eyes slightly and sees the doctors moving around. A tear rolls down his face, and his breathing becomes faster.

The heart beat monitor gives a long beeping sound.

Few doctors shake their head and one of them pulls up a white sheet above KARL’S head.


One of the doctors walk out to the waiting room. MOTHER is there.

I am very sorry. Your son couldn’t make it. He had already lost too much blood and there was a heart attack.

(sinks on her seat)
Oh, Karl…
(starts to cry out loud)

SHARON watches behind the door.


SHARON drives back to the station. On her way, she sees KARL’S school and stops by.


The pictures of the victims are put up, and students and teachers are crying, praying, or sitting dazed. SHARON walks through the atrium and sees…


A) Three students crying in front of the pictures

B) Teachers and a few students praying

C) Several boys looking dazed.

SHARON returns to her car and drives back.


SHARON trudges slowly to her desk and sits down on her chair. POLICE 4 comes in.

(putting her hand on SHARON’S shoulder)
Are you okay? You seemed dazed.

SHARON keeps her silence

Bad news, but erm…there was another robbery while you were gone, and we are told to get the robber.

(staring at the ceiling)
That is nothing…nothing compared to what I’ve seen today.

POLICE 4 looks confused and goes out of the station.

Scene fade zoom out and then fade out.

Career Essay

My Path to “Real” Life

No job, other than electrical engineering, suits me. Electrical Engineering is a job that involves researching and testing modern technology, such as cell phones and laptop computers. This particular job, in present, is becoming a job that make people prosperous, and that is the type of career I have been looking for.

My own meaning of success is making a large quantity of money, and becoming an electrical engineer is my first step toward the goal “success.” As a girl born in a family who majored in physics and or have jobs related to physics, I know I have much more advantages in applying for this career than anyone else I know of. My father is an astronomer, my mother is a physicist, and my sister has majored in electrical engineering. They provide me information on what is required to get in an engineering college, such as the grade I need to get in physics and math classes, and what I need to know in school, especially those two classes. Because of my family’s effect, I have started studying physics since I was in middle school. My path to electrical engineering is wide open.

I am interested in science and math, but that does not necessarily mean that I cannot do anything else. I know three languages, Korean, English, and French. Although I am living in Korea, I have been taught these three languages. Fluent I have become in English and Korean, and I am still in progress in French. Musical instruments cannot be an exception from all the education I received. I have learned how to play flute for almost six years, which allowed me to make articulate sounds. Taking language classes and music lessons made another section of knowledge in my head other than math and science.

My knowledge on math and science are not the only factors that would make me an electrical engineer. My personalities also qualify me as an engineer, which I am proud of. I can pour my energy and drill into one specific goal, which is useful when I am proving a theorem in mathematics or physics. People like me are “So single-minded and easily caught in some project or campaign that they can easily block out other areas,” (Keirsey 3). In other words, I have the ability to drill into one specific goal. I had had one more testing, and this test came up with a similar result. My result was “Investigative,” (Holland and Powell 4) and almost all jobs related to science were under that section, including engineering. These were my tested results on my personality. After testing, I matched a lot of jobs that are related to science, and engineering was one of them.

Today, the 21st century, technology is water to this world. As more technologies are forming and developing, more people with my future career are needed. The rate of “Overall engineering employment is expected to grow about as fast as the average (Engineers).” The world always wants the most comfortable way, and electronics are always involved in this. I will get what the world wants, and that would make me successful.

Engineers develop with technologies. A person who works in that area has to learn and learn until she can quit or retire, because people “Find that the technical knowledge can become outdated rapidly (Engineers),” and this is one of the reasons why I put interest in this career; I have thirst for knowledge on modern electronics. The reason why technology becomes old so quickly is because new suggestions on electronics are being suggested. For example, “There are more researches on wireless communication. Physicists and engineers are looking for a cell phone’s memory chip that can hold more memories. They are also trying to develop cameras on cell phones so that they can show more clear pictures than they do now,” (Park) which naturally makes people learn more by having this job.

What process do I have to go through to become an engineer? Engineering is mostly about physics and math, but I cannot become an engineer by simply concentrating only on those two particular subjects: “Courses in English and humanities are required (Engineers),” which means that I also need to learn how to speak English fluent enough. After receiving these required educations, I need, at least, a Bachelor’s degree to become a real engineer. Then I can get a Master’s degree, and then a Ph.D. The difference among these three degrees is the amount of yearly payment an engineer can receive. Ph.D. gives the most, almost $80,000 a year.

Working toward a career I want is like a big journey. I am only in the “packing” stage, where I get all advices I need. With experienced family beside me and skills on physics and math, I am supported until I get the job I want so much. Three years later, I would be having my first step toward electrical engineering.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Learning Resolution (S.F Edited)

It is already 2007! It is a new year, so our class is choosing goals for writing. As a student in that class, I have chosen my own goals that I will, or hope, to accomplish this year.
My very first goal I chose is to improve in “Drafting and Revising.” I hardly check carefully after writing my first draft (I use up all my energy and become lazy). Because of this, even though my contents are marvelous, it is not organized and seems messy. My method to this goal is to brainstorm first and write an outline.
Word choice is another category I am critically weak in. In my writings, all of my vocabularies are extremely boring. Powerful vocabularies will strengthen my sentences, and I hope I can use more vocabularies in a wider area. Since I have learned many words, I will use the dictionary and the thesaurus to provide a better paper than last year’s. This is the method I am planning to use.
It is all in my head, but I cannot use them. This is another major problem I am having when I have to write a paper. I am trying to use a variety of techniques to support my sentences, and this is my one of my goals. My method to this goal is to find “strong” examples, such as finding a real person who can be the perfect example and has the perfect one instead of saying “suppose this person really existed…” or giving such lame support.
Highlighting each sentences with a highlighter showed me my sentences’ lengths. They are not choppy, but do not vary in lengths either. My goal is to use different types of sentence structures and lengths. My great ideas are ruined by same sentence lengths, and I think I can solve this problem by using suggested types of sentences in the packet (complex and compound-complex sentences, etc).
“Effect” and “affect” always twists my brain and my essays. I am confused with some vocabularies that sound very identical to each other, such as eminent and imminent. I do not want to be laughed at because I used the wrong vocabulary, so I decided “Confused Terms” as another goal. I will look up in the dictionary whenever I am confused between the words I use. This way, I can learn vocabularies and write properly at the same time.
I try to be very descriptive, but I end up using adverbs that does not match with the sentence or using very plain adverbs. I will try to use and learn more adverbs that I can use to make my sentences powerful. Dictionaries are always there, or I can ask my classmates or the teacher if the adverb matches or not.
Internet may have the most sources, but not the most accurate ones. For research projects, I will try to use more than electronic sources. Newspapers and magazines are always available, and I can use them to amuse the person who reads my research paper. My method for this category is to gather newspapers and magazines about a topic when it is given.

Poetry Portfolio

Yaejin Park
Second Stage
Ms. Johnson
12 /11/06

Note from Author

I tried my best-or at least I think so-in these poems. I do my best works mostly in home; it seems like I cannot concentrate in the school due to all the distractions I get and cause (I cause more distractions more than I get). As you read on, you will see that most of my poems are related to school. That is because I am most influenced by school-maybe this is because I am a student-and grades.
What I value the most in the writing process is how much I have tried and tried to change major and minor mistakes. By major mistakes, I mean choosing “right” vocabularies and sentence fluency (Concrete poem is an exception). These do not have an essential role in some poems, but I try my best if I have to have nice word choices and smoothly flowing sentences.
Until now, I have learned and improved in word choice and ideas. I used to put in ordinary words, which made all my writing boring. I learned what kind of vocabularies can be used instead of common words that make a sentence vague. Although I cannot use “fancy” vocabularies all the time, I try to avoid boring words. I did improve in the idea category, but not as much as I did in word choice. When I wrote, I could not focus on the topic I have chosen –although I am still like this. I got out of the topic during the process of list poem. These improvements changed my writing into better writing, but I think I can still improve. Through these poems, I have improved in these two categories a little bit more.

To My family and friends

Table of Contents

Fail (Concrete Poem) ………………………………………………………………………Page 1
Poetry Allergy (List Poem) ……………………………………………………………….Page 2
Departure (Two Rooms) …………………………………………………………………..Page 3
Lunch Time (Sound Poem) ………………………………………………………………..Page 4
What a Helpful Machine (Villanelle) ……………………………………………………Page 5

Concrete Poem
Careless Students


Fear of punishment Fear of punishment Fear of punishment
Panic Panic Panic Panic Panic Panic Panic Panic Panic Panic
Intercept report card Intercept report card Intercept report card
Sixty Sixty
Sixty Sixty
Sixty Sixty
Sixty Sixty
Silent dinner table Quiet dinner table Silent dinner table
Quiet dinner table Silent dinner table Quiet dinner table
What should I do? What should I do? What should I do?
Slap myself
Slap myself
Slap myself
Punch wall
Punch wall
Punch wall
Pull my hair
Pull my hair
Pull my hair

List Poem
Poetry Haters

Poetry Allergy

- First of all, I am a lousy writer.
- I can’t find the fantastic, marvelous words for each stanza.
- I can’t understand the poetry I wrote by myself.
- I used to memorize it and I was FORCED to.
- I have to read it with expression.
- I have to decorate the final draft of poetry sometimes.
- I am sometimes asked to interpret the poem and even its punctuation!
- I just hate it
- I can’t choose one topic; there are too many of them!
- My poems are sleeping pills for the audience.
- That is why I hate showing it to people, including my friends.
- Somehow it seems too beautiful for me to write.

Two Rooms
People with Siblings


I live in a doorway
Between two rooms
I see the sun peering over the buildings, bright as usual.
But why do I feel so gloomy?
The bed next to mine is empty
And the house seems roomy
My sister is on her way to another continent, the furthest one from where I am.

I hear my sibling’s exhausted but happy voice.
She says I will fly over the oceans
To spend a week with her this winter
Suddenly I see the fantasy of stepping on the foreign land
And finding my one and only sister, waiting for me in the airport

Self Assessment (Two Rooms)

Some lines are too long. I have to try to shorten some sentences so it sounds more like a line in a poem, not a statement. The audience is not included, and that is the one of the most important factors that needs to be included in the poem. The audience can be people with sibling, or people who have arguments often with their siblings. The adjective words can be changed a bit.

Sound Poem

Lunch Time

Goes the lunch bell at a school
You hear the thump, thump, thump of children running to the cafeteria
The stomachs are growling for the search of food
The clink, clank, clunk
Of forks and knives form a band
Squeeak…Squeee sqeeeeee~k
Groaned the chairs as they were dragged away from the table
And the plates join in the chorus with a crash!
As the students shove each other to the door
With another thump, thump, thump
This time accompanied with the yell, “The soccer ball is mine!”

Self Assessment (Sound Poem)
“Lunch Time”

I had to change some words because they were repeating too much. Repeating about two to three times is just enough, so I changed some of the words in each line. Since this poem had no or almost no sentences, I could not do anything with sentence fluency. The words are boring. I did okay in putting in my own experience in some lines, such as “Punch wall” and “Pull my hair.” There are not very many feelings shown in the poem. Otherwise, the poem is okay.

Computer makers

What a Helpful Machine

In front of my desk and chair I sway
I would have done all the work if the computer had not stopped.
No one can fix the dumb machine today.

I wait and frown expecting it to come out of delay.
In frustration I screamed and hopped.
In front of my desk and chair I sway

On the bed, angry, I lay.
No actually, on the bed I flopped.
No one can fix the dumb machine today

Almost bawling, I pray.
I know I should have chosen another computer when I shopped.
In front of my desk and chair I sway.

For an hour there is no change…“Yay!”
Because of my anger, my brain almost popped.
No one can fix the dumb machine today.

It is like this everyday.
Back on the chair I lopped.
In front of my desk and chair I sway
No one can fix the dumb machine today

Self Assessment (Villanelle)
“What a Helpful Machine”

I have written a villanelle about having a computer frozen. My first draft was a mess because the use of vocabularies was not correct. I had crammed in the vocabularies, thinking that I should find rhyming words first and then think about grammar later, and that made it hard for me to fix. So I had to change many vocabularies at the end to find words I can use (and words that also rhyme). Some sentences look a bit awkward. For example, the third stanza, line 7, “On the bed, angry, I lay,” it does not seem right to me. It sounds as if the bed is angry, not me. I fixed other major mistakes, but it seems like I have to check and see if the sentences make sense or not. If not, I will have to fix it and in the worst case, I have to change every single vocabulary at each end of the lines. I need to look at some of the word choices also.

On-Time (Process Essay)

When you look at your class syllabus, you see a tiny, but the most annoying section about grade categories. In that category, you would see that 5~10% is counted as on-time, which is not much. But please do not ignore that little grade; some nasty teachers give you zeroes when your work is not handed in on the due date.
If you are having a hard time keeping track of your project, just remember these two things: planning and working. How? Firstly, before even picking up your empty sheet of paper, know the due date. If the teacher does not tell you, do not plan ahead because an unknown due date usually means the project is due somewhat ten years later. If you know the due date, then start dividing your work equally. I would not recommend this kind of planning: Day 1, 2, 3, 4: rest Day 5: work. Divide your work equally for each day, and by this way, you can sort out work that needs to be finished.
After you are done with your planning, use your plans. The whole point is to use the plan you have scheduled (or else, you can do nothing with it except using it for scratch paper). Try not to leave off a day’s work for another day because you would have twice as much as work to do for the day you got off. Moreover, working on the same amount of work each day will provide you more sleeping time than those who work like ants at the night before the due date.
Please do not go and play until you have checked your work. Do you have everything required for this work? Do you have enough information? Would the teacher accept it (This question is essential because you do not want to have an argument with the teacher when he/she does not accept your work, especially your Speech or Writing teachers. It usually saves yours and the teacher’s time)? Then, check if you have everything required, such as your citation for the project. Do not forget to take your work with you on the due date, because teachers do not believe in those “I forgot to bring it” statements.
Lastly, gather all the materials that have to be handed in, put them in an order your teacher wants (most writing teachers do this, so do not staple until you have put the papers in order) and give it to your teacher with all the stress you got from the work you have done. As soon as the paper touches the teacher’s hands, you are free (well, temporarily).
After you hand in your work on time, you are done for the day, or if you are lucky, for the week. Handing in projects on time is much simpler than a lot of people think. Before you yell out, “Oh my goodness! I have to stay up all night!” you should plan out your work first and then think if you should scream in misery or not. After handing in your project, enjoy your freedom until the monstrous stack of papers come back to you, which is when you will start anticipating about the grades you obtained.

Loss (Definition Essay)

Loss is a four-letter word that describes one of the most tragic things that can happen to anyone. It can make you commit suicide after a long grief, or it might not affect you at all. A loss can be from losing a wad of paper to losing your best friend. The word “loss” is comprehended differently by different people, which would have various affects on each person. It might just mean losing something, or it might mean something deeper than losing. Dictionary definitions are not always correct. There is no clear way to explain the exact definition of loss; people’s definitions would depend on their experience of loss, types of loss they experienced, what they think loss is or is not, and their thoughts on origin of the loss.
The official or the dictionary meaning of loss is “an amount or number lost.” This is partially true, because in some situations, failure to win, gain, or obtain is counted as a loss. For example, Jae Joon Jung, an arcade game user, thinks losing is loss. He said, “Every time I lose a game, the computer puts down one ‘lost’ for my ID. That is failing to obtain victory, which is loss. Failing to win so many times would depress me, so I think loss never affects my life in a positive way.” Another person had a similar idea to Jae Joon. Yun-Hee Lee, a student in a Korean school said, “If you fail to earn money, it means you have to use the money you have. Then you lose the amount you use for that day.” These replies show that the dictionary definition of loss can be a person’s own definition of the depressing four-letter word.
The word that describes action of loss, “lost,” for example, has a wide area of meanings, because people use the word in very many situations. The definition of loss depends on what the person is trying to say. For instance, if someone says, “We loss (it should be lost, but the person did not notice the error) touch for ten years (Yahoo Answers),” that means that this person had not contacted the person he tried to contact for ten years. If someone says, ‘We lost a good friend today (,” that usually means that the friend has passed away (not always though; loss can mean betrayal in this quote also). “Lost Money (Cashunclaimed)” can mean two or more things. Either the person does not know where the money is, ore the person has his/her money taken. Loss can mean a death of a person, a verb used to explain that something did not happen, and a word that describes a situation when something cannot be found.
Personal definition of loss can depend on the person’s opinion on what is the most important to them. Hye-In Park, a fifteen-year old girl said, “The meaning of true loss to me is when a friend dies or turns his/her back on me. To me, friends are one of the essential groups of people in life, and I think it would be a major loss to lose a friend. Loss is when you lose something valuable, isn’t it?” On the other hand, Min-Soo Kang, another game user, said, “Loss, to me, is something like losing my pocket money that is worth using for one month. Think of how you can spend that money! It would be a terrible loss to buy nothing and lose those valuable papers.” These two people understand loss as losing a valuable possession or a person. This idea is one of the majorities people comprehend as loss.
Whether people like it or not, loss can occur anytime in any place. Loss can be occurred by one’s clumsiness or by a failure to remember where one’s property is. If one is clumsy, one would leave an object anywhere without any thoughts. Later, one would look for that object and will not be able to remember where it is. Does this situation only count for loss of an object? The answer is no, because one can lose a friend through clumsiness too. One can be clumsy enough to say words that have a lot of impact to his/her friends, such as a critical insult that involves physical appearance. If that happens, it is most likely for one to lose the friend he/she said it to, and that is a loss. Forgetfulness is another major problem causing factor that makes people lose their possessions. For example, a student put an essay that was worth ten days of work in her folder. Afraid that someone might take it, she put the folder nearby a corner inside of her locker. When the due date arrived, the student panics because her folder is not in her bag, nor at her house. Unfortunately, she had to give up looking for her project and had to get a zero for the grade. When she cleans out her locker, she finds the work almost buried deeply in the locker and finally remembers that she had put the paper in there then. But there is no use; she has already “lost” her grade because of her short term memory. She would have a zero for the loss of the hard work.
Loss can be losing anything, not just an amount or number of losing something. Even the dictionaries cannot define loss in every single way. Because of this wide area of interpretation of loss, it is hard to know what the true definition of loss is. It can mean just losing an object to some people. It might mean more to other people; it depends, but none of them are wrong. The “real” definition of loss, nobody knows and will not know.